To Tree or not to Tree...

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that's never a question at V V Rouleaux



Over the years we have always found an answer!


Sometimes a real Nordmann, other times artificial. We have used birch twigs or lovely apple branches covered in Lichen, we have made trees from twisted copper or metal candelabras.


What ever, where ever we want to create a focus piece for our favourite decorations.


christmas wreath fireplacechristmas wreath fireplace
christmas fireplacechristmas fireplace

festive mantlepiecefestive mantlepiece
Red berry mantlepieceRed berry mantlepiece


Don't leave it too late - get or make a tree. Fun, cool, real, contemporary, traditional - it's the place to gather around this Christmas.


Many thanks as always to Flo at Flo Brooks Photography 


See our Christmas ranges

festive red mantlepiecefestive red mantlepiece
christmas mantlepiece decorationchristmas mantlepiece decoration

See our Christmas Tree Decorations